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Why AI analysts need human-like workspaces, not just chat interfaces

ยท 2 min read

Why I believe AI agents need the same comprehensive workspace tools as human analysts, moving beyond simple chat interfaces to enable true financial research and analytics.

This week, Insight Partners published "The state of the AI Agents ecosystem: The tech, use cases, and economics" which mentions OpenBB on the map in terms of Financial Services AI agents.

I'd like to explain our flavor of AI analyst.

An AI agent is defined as "a program that can interact with its environment, collect data, and use the data to perform self-determined tasks to meet predetermined goals".

If I were to describe the role of an Analyst I could use that exact same sentence, except that I wouldn't use "program" but "human".

Yet most companies and products out there are focusing on the data and forgetting about the interface.

If the job to be done by an AI agent is the same as the human agent - why aren't we starting from the assumption that they need the same tools and interface as a human analyst would.

I mean, I don't see financial analysts spending their day doing analysis & research on Slack or on a chat-only interface.

This is where we differ and where we decided to take the longer path in doing what's right.

No shortcuts.

Yes, our AI agent (or the one our users bring) has access to their own data.

But more importantly, it is interconnected with a workspace, effectively having the same type of capabilities that an analyst would so it can truly perform research and analytics.

The goal is actually straightforward:

The AI agent should be able to do anything and everything that a user can with a mouse and keyboard.

That includes:

  • Extracting insights from multiple datasets
  • Adding a particular widget to a dashboard
  • Creating a dashboard from scratch based on data available
  • Run a particular prediction model with pre-define parameters
  • Collaborating on a dashboard with a colleague
  • Having access to the internet to add research notes to the dashboard
  • Join datasets efficiently
  • Write SQL queries to extract particular data from a data warehouse
  • etc...

Agree or disagree?