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25 posts tagged with "open-source"

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There's a zero percent chance that open source doesn't win

· 4 min read

AI is transforming software development at a groundbreaking pace, creating a reinforcing cycle that makes open source unstoppable.

As development costs plummet and AI tools make codebases more accessible than ever, the traditional moats of proprietary software are evaporating.

Here's why I believe that the future of software is inevitably open.

Move over Bloomberg Terminal, here comes Gamestonk Terminal

· 3 min read

In this blogpost, we introduce Gamestonk Terminal, an open-source project that aims to be a comprehensive tool for financial analysis and stock market research. It includes functionalities for discovering stocks, market sentiment analysis, fundamental and technical analysis, due diligence, prediction techniques, and more.

The open source code is available here.

Gamestonk Terminal - The next best thing after Bloomberg Terminal

· 4 min read

In this blogpost, I introduce Gamestonk Terminal, an open-source project that aims to be a comprehensive tool for financial analysis and stock market research. It includes functionalities for discovering stocks, market sentiment analysis, fundamental and technical analysis, due diligence, prediction techniques, and more.

The open source code is available here.